Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Inventing Wodehouse

P G Wodehouse - The name brings memories of peerless comic writing, of Jeeves, and Bertie Wooster - and paperback prints not worth a second look by the poor souls who do not know Wodehouse. Before the Overlook Press started to come out with their beautiful hardbound volumes, I had a real hard time buying wodehouse prints that also looked good on my shelf. But the new hardbound Overlook Press books are a real gem - they call their collection 'Collector's Wodehouse', prepare their editions from the first British printing, and use a nice typeface designed in 1740.

For those of you who care to buy books that can also last long in your bookshelves - here is your chance to preserve Wodehouse.

And oh yeah, I found Amazon prices to be lower than store prices for many of these books :)

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